Prof. Kanter graduated from Northwestern University with an MS/PhD in Electrical Engineering. His graduate work focused on nonlinear and quantum optics in waveguides. He has worked at various start-up companies primarily focused on optical communications and measurement. He is currently CEO of NuCrypt,LLC which makes optical systems for applications in quantum optics and RF photonics. He is also a part-time research associate professor in CPCC.
Prof. Kanter supervises and assists on various projects in the field of experimental quantum optics including the use of nonlinear frequency conversion for quantum measurements.
Selected Publications:
(1) S. X. Wang, P. Moraw, D. R. Reilly, J. B. Altepeter, and G. S. Kanter, "Fast measurements of entangled photons," J. of Lightwave Tech., 31, 707-714 (2013) 10.1109/JLT.2012.2231854
(2) D. R. Reilly, S. X. Wang, and G. S. Kanter, "Undersampling a photonic analog-to-digital converter containing an optical hybrid combiner," Optics Communications, 288, 31-37 (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2012.09.062
(3) D. R. Reilly, S. X. Wang, and G. S. Kanter, “Nonuniform optical undersampling for high-resolution microwave frequency measurements,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v. 12, 997-999 (June 2012) 10.1109/LPT.2012.2192102
(4) S. X. Wang, C. Chan, P. Moraw, D. R. Reilly, J.B. Altepeter, and G. S. Kanter, "High-speed tomography of time-bin-entangled photons using a single-measurement setting," Physical Review A, 86, 042122 (2012) http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.86.042122
(5) S. Ozharar, D. R. Reilly, S. X. Wang, and Prem Kumar, “Two-dimensional optical code-division modulation with quantum-noise aided encryption for applications in key distribution,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, v. 29, 2081-2088 (July 2011) 10.1109/JLT.2011.2156760
(6) S. X. Wang, D.R. Reilly, S. Ozharar, and P. Kumar, “Running-code optical CDMA at 2×10 Gbit/s and 40 Gbit/s,” Electronics Letters, v 46, 701-703 (May 2010) 10.1049/el.2010.0509
(7) S.X. Wang and G.S. Kanter, “Robust Multi-Wavelength All-Fiber Source of Polarization Entangled Photons with Built-In Analyzer Alignment Signal,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, v.15 (Nov-Dec. 2009) 10.1109/JSTQE.2009.2022278
(8) G.S. Kanter, D. Reilly, and N. Smith, “Practical Physical Layer Cryptography− The Marriage of Optical Noise with Traditional Cryptography,” IEEE Communications Magazine (Nov. 2009) 10.1109/MCOM.2009.5307469
(9) E. Corndorf, C. Liang, G.S. Kanter, and P. Kumar, “Quantum-noise Randomized Data Encryption for Wavelength-Division-Multiplexed Fiber-optic Networks,” Physical Review A. 71 (6), #062326 (June 2005) http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.71.062326
(10) G. S. Kanter, A. K Samal, O. Coskun, and A. Gandhi, “Electronic Equalization for Enabling Communications at OC-192 Rates using OC-48 Components,” Optics Express, 11 (17) pp. 2019-2029 (Aug. 2003) http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.11.002019
(11) G.S. Kanter, P. Kumar, R.V. Roussev, and M.M Fejer, “Squeezing in a LiNbO3 Integrated Optical Waveguide Circuit,” Optics Express, 10 (3), pp 177-182 (Feb 2002) http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.10.000177
(12) G.S. Kanter P. Kumar, K.R. Parameswaran, R.V. Roussev, and M.M Fejer, "Wavelength-Selective Pulsed All-Optical Switching Based on Cascaded Second-Order Nonlinearity in a Periodically Poled Lithium-Niobate Waveguide,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 13 (4), pp 341-343 (April 2001) 10.1109/68.917845
(13) G. S. Kanter and P. Kumar, “Optical Devices Based on Internally Seeded Cascaded Nonlinearites,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 35 (6) pp 891-896 (June 1999) 10.1109/3.766832