Tim got his B.S. in Computer Science and Physics from Albion College in 2009. He is currently working on his Electrical Engineering PhD and has recently presented his prospectus. Outside of work, he enjoys having two awesome dogs, heavy metal, and competitive sports.
Novel optical methods for implementing quantum computations, novel formalisms for quantum computing, heralded single photon sources, entangled photon sources, enhancing low-light-level classical communications using technology developed for quantum information processing.
1. M. A. Krainak, T. M. Rambo, G. Yang, W. Lu, and K. Numata, "Femtosecond photon-counting receiver," Proc. SPIE 9858, Advanced Photon Counting Techniques X, 98580S (May 5, 2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2225947
2. Timothy M. Rambo, Joseph B. Altepeter, G. Mauro D'Ariano, Prem Kumar, "Quantum Operator Permutation by Optical Means", Quantum Information and Measurement, Rochester, paper W6.30 (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/QIM.2013.W6.30
3. Direct Measurement of Third-Order Nonlinearity of Green Fluorescent Protein, CLEO, paper JW2A.01 (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/CLEO_AT.2013.JW2A.01
4. Timothy M. Rambo, Joseph B. Altepeter, G. Mauro D'Ariano, Prem Kumar, "Functional Quantum Computing: An Optical Approach", arxiv:1211.1257 (2012)
Honors and awards:
(1) NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship (2012-current)
(2) NSF IGERT fellowship (2009-2011)